The Noorani Qaida helps in learning the proper pronunciation of Arabic words, their proper articulation, proper inflection, proper accent, emphasis on letters and words at the right time and place, as well as recitation at the proper pace. It is recommended that students who want to learn Quran begin their lessons with the Noorani Qaida which is one of the best sources of teaching tajweed. The art of correctly pronouncing the Arabic letters and words of the Quran is called ‘Tajweed’. There are 2 versions, one with an Arabic meaning of the words as side notes, and the other version has the side notes showing the English meanings. Since the Quran is the speech of Allah, Subhan a Hu WA Ta’alah, it is extremely necessary to pronounce the Arabic words of the Quran exactly, accurately, and correctly, so that their meaning is not distorted, nor any disrespect caused to the Lord of all the worlds, due to mispronunciation. Quraan koran Quran dot e-SLvE 5,195 posts Religion: Islam Posted This is a pdf Mushaf that you can read online. With the rules of tajweed, you can learn and read Quran in a better way. People who strive to learn Quran are the most fortunate people on the earth because they are striving to understand the most profound source of knowledge in the whole universe in the words of Creator of all the worlds! That is why proper Tajweed is obligatory while learning how to read Quran.

Surah Waqiah is 56th Surah of the Holy Quran which was revealed on Prophet Muhammad. The Quran is the speech of Allah in the Arabic language. Surah Waqiah (Surah Al Waqiah ) means The Inevitable or The Event.