If aiming at OG Loc when he is at Freddy's door, he will start attacking Carl.They can be killed with guns, the Rocket Launcher or the " Blow up all cars" cheat, but this will fail the mission. After the cutscene, Big Smoke and Sweet will head back to the hood.After getting on the bike and entering the first alley, a dead person Freddy killed will always be seen next to an onlooker.It can be fixed by replacing the period with comma. This is due to the typo error on the file with the RGB colour code on the PC. When the cutscene ends, the Glendale is back to being blue again. In the cutscene when picking up Jeffrey, Big Smoke's car will sometimes be white, instead of the usual blue color.This is the first mission that uses the Trip Skip feature if the player has failed the mission beforehand.Obtaining the PCJ-600 after killing Freddy. Loc tells Carl that he will see him around and heads inside while Carl leaves. Carl agrees and drives Loc to the fast-food joint. Loc then asks Carl to give him a lift to the Burger Shot in Marina. Carl and Loc get into a small shootout with the Vagos members, who are killed along with Freddy. Freddy soon takes off down the railway tracks and stops at a basketball court where more Vagos members are awaiting Carl and Loc's arrival. Carl and Loc quickly jump onto another motorbike and give chase to Freddy throughout the streets, alleyways and freeways of Los Santos. Carl and Loc confront Freddy at his house, who simply says that it was "a prison thing" and then escapes outside via the back door onto a bike. Sweet and Smoke leave while Carl stays with Loc. They soon arrive at the Vagos member's house. In the car, en route to East Los Santos, Loc tells the others he got a job at Burger Shot, courtesy of his parole officer. Freddy will say "you dropped the soap, sugar" and "it was just a prison thing", indicating that the two had a relationship in prison. Loc then tells them they have to go see a "Cholo motherfucker" named Freddy in East Los Santos, who apparently stole Loc's rhymes. Sweet and Smoke then mock him for not going to college. Carl calls Loc by his real name Jeffrey, which annoys him. When they arrive at the station, Loc is waiting outside at the front of the building. On the way to the police station, Smoke tells Carl that Jeffrey is now called "OG Loc". Sweet and Smoke tell Carl that they have to go to the police station in Pershing Square to pick up their friend Jeffrey, who was imprisoned for joyriding and parking fines.

Just then, Sweet and Big Smoke are seen walking down the driveway and greet Carl. Carl goes to visit Big Smoke at his house in Idlewood, but there is no answer at the door.